Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance is an internationally recognised day dedicated to drawing attention to the continued violence against transgender people. Transgender Dag of Remembrance is annually observed on November 20th.
Transgender Day of Remembrance started in 1999 as a way to memorialise the murder of black transgender women, following the murders of Rita Hester and Chanelle Pickett. Transgender Day of Remembrance typically includes a reading of a list of names of all transgender lives lost between October 1st of the previous year and September 30th of the current year.
Memorials can also include other activities and actions such as candlelight vigils, lectures, marches, food drives, and movie screenings. These memorials are typically held at community centers, parks, places of worship, or LGBT+ organisations.
If you’re interested in learning more about this day, or the trans lives lost, check out the Trans Day of Remembrance website.